
SBDC Cashflow Webinar


SBDC Cashflow Webinars 

Working through cashflow projections can be hard to understand. It is encouraged that you attend this webinar below.  This will be a tool you can use now and in the future.  

How will you restart your business after the threat posed by the coronavirus is diminished? Recovery After COVID-19: Planning and Managing Cash Flow is a free interactive webinar for small business owners. The program is designed to provide tools to help you forecast and plan your business cash flow and is geared toward small retail shops, bars, restaurants, hair salon small service and retail business in Northwest Wisconsin.

Attendees will be provided simple tools prior to the webinar. Although no advance preparation is needed, it may be helpful to review these tools before the webinar.  The program instructors will walk you through how to use these tools. They will explain the process of forecasting and maximizing cash inflow and forecasting and minimizing cash outflow. You will be able to use these tools to gather necessary information and prepare a cash flow forecast on your own or with the assistance of the SBDC. You will also learn how the SBDC can assist with recovery after concerns regarding COVID-19 have subsided.

This webinar is FREE, but registration is required. To allow for optimal interaction, attendance is limited to 20 people per webinar session.  You can choose to attend one of the following webinar sessions:

2:00 PM on Tuesday, May 12   almost full!

6:00 PM on Tuesday, May 12

2:00 PM on Tuesday, May 14

To learn more and register for the event, please click on the link below:

Recovery After COVID-19

For additional information about these webinars, please email


“I was born and raised in Ladysmith, Wisconsin. After high school, I took off, went to college in the Twin Cities, and traveled to many parts of the world like Tanzania, Ecuador, Mexico, the UK, and several US states. I moved to a small beach town in Florida for awhile after college but somehow found myself thinking about my hometown. After exploring parts of the world, I moved back to Ladysmith and found peace in the comfort and familiarity. It’s awesome being back home and seeing people from different generations come together and work towards making our small town a great place to live. I love going to local businesses and seeing many people I know, the live music opportunities at several of the local establishments, and the plethora of outdoor activities in nature. You can always venture out and explore the world, but there’s just something about that friendly small town vibe that keeps bringing me back home.”

McKenzie Morgan
Rusk County Resident

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