
Rusk County Enterprise Center

Designed as a multi-tenant and incubator facility, the Rusk County Enterprise Center provides a number of spaces for lease.  These size range from 620 sq.ft. to 9,670 sq.ft. suitable for manufacturing, warehousing, and service work.  These spaces can be accessed through a shared loading dock area, and some have direct exterior access through an overhead door.  The facility also has common spaces including a break room, front desk, and conference room.  Other features including a dust collection system and in-floor heat.

Owned by the City and County the building is utilized by start-up and expanding businesses, and to meet short or long term needs.  Flexible rates and lease terms are available.

For more information or a tour contact Andy at 715.532.2257 or [email protected]

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Enterprise Center General Info (.pdf)

Enterprise Center Layout

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