
Navigating the Impact of COVID- Free Business Webinars

(LADYSMITH, WI)  — Rusk County Development and partners will be offering a series of webinars/video/teleconferences in the upcoming weeks to help businesses navigate the impacts of COVID-19.

These sessions will be delivered virtually and can be accessed online or by telephone. All are free of charge. They are targeted to existing business owners and managers, and those seeking assistance in getting through the issues COVID is causing for businesses and how to start planning for operating post COVID.

  • Thursday, April 16 at 5:30 and Friday, April 17th at noon Luke Kempen from the Eau Claire Small Business Development Center will provide updates on the available SBA funding options and on cash flow management and business planning tips during COVID. Both sessions will be similar in nature.
  • Thursday, April 23 at 11am Beth Crowell, The Hippie Banker, business coach, will present Managing Uncertainty In the Time of COVID.
  • Tuesday, April 28th at noon the conversation will be about what the new normal may look like for businesses going forward. Representatives from Public Health will be joining the call.
  • Tuesday, April 30th at noon Lyn Pilch of Pilch Barnet will be present on planning your marketing strategy during and after COVID.

More topics are in the works to provide businesses with the resources to manage these difficult times. For more information on these and future sessions visit The website also includes information on COVID resources for businesses.

To sign-up call 715.532.2257 or email [email protected]


“I was born and raised in Ladysmith, Wisconsin. After high school, I took off, went to college in the Twin Cities, and traveled to many parts of the world like Tanzania, Ecuador, Mexico, the UK, and several US states. I moved to a small beach town in Florida for awhile after college but somehow found myself thinking about my hometown. After exploring parts of the world, I moved back to Ladysmith and found peace in the comfort and familiarity. It’s awesome being back home and seeing people from different generations come together and work towards making our small town a great place to live. I love going to local businesses and seeing many people I know, the live music opportunities at several of the local establishments, and the plethora of outdoor activities in nature. You can always venture out and explore the world, but there’s just something about that friendly small town vibe that keeps bringing me back home.”

McKenzie Morgan
Rusk County Resident

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