
‘We’re All In’ grant program

It has been announced that the WEDC is rolling out the ‘We’re All In’ grant program which will take effect on June 15th. We have included the press release as it includes beneficial information regarding the application, eligibility, and process of the program. This program is designed to aid small businesses in getting back on their feet by helping with the cost of business interruption, health and safety advancements, wages and salaries, rent, and other aspects that the COVID-19 has affected. There are a specific set of documents that businesses should have available to upload for the grant application. It will be beneficial to have these documents electronically available as quickly as possible since submissions will be electronic only. In addition, this makes it easier to quickly send in your submission when the site starts accepting the applications. Please share this information as we want to spread it to as many small businesses as possible.

We, Rusk County Development, will provide the required letter verifying that the business was in operation prior to February 2020. Verification requests can be emailed to [email protected].

Click this link to view the press release:

6-1-20 We’re All In Dates set



“Having lived in a large city for most of my adult life, I was looking for a place less crowded, less hectic.  …The nights in Rusk County are dark and on clear ones I love to stare into the heavens and be able to dream a million dreams and just let my mind wander.”

Arian Knops
Retiree to area – Community Volunteer

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